History of T-RT
Quantum theory proved that an object can be a wave or a particle at any given time and at the same time. As a wave, it will have a specific frequency associated with its origin. T-RT is the term used for various energetic phenomena not formally recognized as one of the four known forces of physics.
In Science, these phenomena include...
The Earth's Magnetic Field
Nuclear Force
Biophoton Field
What are subtle energies
Subtle energies are intimately related to consciousness and many of them appear to have healing properties on the mental, physical and emotional levels.
If it wasn’t for science informing us of their influence, most of us would remain entirely unaware of the existence of these and other forces.
In the early years of science, for example, the scientific community could not directly detect or measure electromagnetism, yet science knew it existed because it could detect its effects on other objects.
The same can be said of “subtle” energies. While it currently seems impossible to directly detect or measure subtle energy using conventional electromagnetic instruments, it is possible to detect and measure its effects on living organisms.
The emerging science of subtle energy reveals the existence of energies that exist beyond the four known forces of physics (the strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electromagnetism and gravity). Some of these energies are faster than light and typically unable to be measured using electromagnetic instruments.
There is evidence that, in general, subtle energy is intimately related to consciousness. Many of these subtle energies appear to have healing properties on the mental, physical and emotional levels.