Tips Income Settlement
New Tips Income Settlement
We are proud to introduce the brand new settlement method to all our oversea content creators! All oversea content creator settlement will change to this immediately starting 1st March 2021.
Malaysia user can apply as well if you wish to enjoy the same benefits too!
Faster & Easier
Oversea content creator enjoy faster payment! And you can easily withdraw your money with KA$H Prepaid MasterCard®. Look for nearby ATM that accepts MasterCard® and you’re good to go!
New Convenient & Rewards
Hassle-free app that lets you make payments, manage your cash, shop and experience a new cashless lifestyle with rewards.
Worldwide Recognized
It combines the best of worldwide recognized Prepaid MasterCard® and mobile application that puts safe, convenient and rewarding payment solutions in your hands!
Safe & Secure
Safe and secure payment method to all worldwide users. Same security standard with any other normal MasterCard!
Ka$h Account
It’s Prepaid MasterCard®
It’s safe than cash and accepted worldwide. Make purchases anywhere MasterCard® is accepted. Your card will be recognized nearly everywhere. Find two million ATMs worldwide with 30 street level and 210 city level countries and territories
It’s Just Like a Debit Card
Spend up to the value placed on the card anywhere Debit MasterCard® is accepted. You can shop in stores, online or over the phone. As you make purchases with the card, funds are immediately deducted from the available card balance. You can continue to use your card until the card balance has been depleted or until the expiration date shown on the card.
It’s Simple & Easy
Sign up without setting foot in a bank and no proof of income is required. Have constant access to your account anytime anywhere.
It’s Safe and Secure
Whether paying online, in-store, in-app or a wearable, KA$H® provides valuable security benefits to help keep you protected. Your money is safe with KA$H®.
Please note:
- This settlement method is applicable to all oversea content creator (Excluding Malaysian) who received more than 700 tips income in a calendar month for cash settlement.
- Ensure you have completed your KYC verification in Yippi app prior following the steps below to get your MasterCard for settlement.
*To learn more about the 700 tips income settlement calculation, you can visit here.
Process Details
The step by step details to get your Ka$h ready for tips income settlement

* Malaysians may upload MYKAD
* Non-Malaysians only valid passport
**Please note USD $20 will be charged for this Prepaid MasterCard application.
Upon binded your Prepaid Mastercard, screenshot and send to us via Yippi Customer Service for us to activate your tips settlement.