Yippi Sticker Incubator Program
Have you ever had a dream but lack of a good platform to fulfill your dream?
YIPPI Sticker Incubator Program is a sticker shop platform for artist around the world.
YIPPI Sticker Incubator Program wishes that artist can enjoy playing with their creativity and inspiration in full measures. Here you can draw as much as you like! Let the chat expression stickers that filled with creativity and perseverance to attract the attention of hundreds of millions of YIPPI users. At the same time, it also provide a unique and interesting impression to the YIPPI sticker shop, driving YIPPI chatting to a more enjoyable experience.

Wish to earn more? This is a simple way for the sticker designers to earn extra income!

A platform for the sticker designers to showcase their drawing talent. Show the world how creative you are!

Fan Base
How attractive your stickers are? Attract those who like your design and have your own fan base!
Sticker Design Rules
The stickers must be the original work of the designer or hold possession of copyright to the work. Stickers must be considered suitable for everyday conversation or communication. Simple and clear expressions, information, and sticker images. Stickers must be attractive.
How to start?

Register a Yippi Account & Complete Identity Verification in Yippi App

Submit your sticker creation to https://sticker.yippiweb.com/

We will review your submission

We will unveil your creative stickers to the world!